Saturday 25 August 2012

SQL Data Types sql Server 2008

SQL Data Types

1.    Exact Numerics
a.    Bit:- It is a SqlServer Data Type which store either a 0 or 1 or null value
b.    Tinyint:- It is a SqlServer Data Type which store integer value and size will be 1 byte
c.    smallint:- It is a SqlServer Data Type which store integer value and size will be 2 byte
d.    int:- It is a SqlServer Data Type which store integer value and size will be 4 byte
e.    bigint:- It is a SqlServer Data Type which store integer value and size will be 8 byte
f.     numeric:-
g.    decimal:-
h.    smallmoney:-
i.      money:-
2.    Approximate Numerics
a.    Float:-
b.    Real:-
3.    Date and Time
a.    Datetime:-
b.    Smalldatetime:-
4.    Character Strings
a.    Char:-
b.    Varchar:-
c.    Text:-
5.    Unicode Character Strings
a.    Nchar:-
b.    Nvarchar:-
c.    Ntext:-
6.    Binary Strings
a.    Binary:-
b.    Varbinary:-
c.    Image:-
7.    Other Data Type
a.    sql_variant:-
b.    timestamp:-
c.    uniqueidentifier:-
d.    xml:-